Excellent Robotics Training Provider

Excellent Robotics Training Provider

Students are engaged into the learning process using hands-on robotics activities platforms to install scientific temperament and foster innovation & creativity. The hands-on activity designed are in-line with NCERT National Curriculum , NITI Aayog Atal Tinkering Labs and PM Skill India projects. Value for Investment! Low cost per student! Engagement throughout the year, year after year. Minimal annual maintenance cost! Gateway for Students to join programs like WRO & FLL. Employee Engagement. Corporate employees engagement on regular basis. Teach Coding and STEM with Robotics. Mentor/Coach students’ teams to participate in competitions. Conduct special training workshops in-line with STEM education. World-Class Platform. Powered by LEGO MINDSTORMS, a renowned tool to impart hands-on, CS-STEM education. Modular design allows students to imagine & build virtually limitless models. High quality product, durable, child safe and capable platform. Year Around Support. Teachers capacity building training by ISF. Quarterly visits to ensure effective implementation of resources. Orientation workshops for support and knowledge enhancement